How to Register?

If you want to open a Hollywoodbets account Click the "Join Now" link here! This will take you to the registration page.

  1. Please remember you must be 18 years or older to play with
  2. If you have an existing Hollywood Account or Punter's ID, enter it in the required box.
  3. If you are new to the site, then please select the NEW ACCOUNT button and click 'next.'
  4. Please fill in all your details, and make sure you have a valid email address. 

  5. Remember that any field marked with an '*', nominates a required field.
  6. If you click submit, and get a message saying you already have an account, or that your ID number is in use, please contact us on the helpline number below.
  7. Once you have completed this page, the next page will be your banking details.  These account details will be used when you request a withdrawal from your betting account. Once filled in, click NEXT.
  8. The final steps require you to fill some information with regards to how you came across our site, as well as agreeing to the terms and conditions.  Please make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions before playing with
  9. The Maximum Daily Deposit Limit is a limit set by you, determining how much you are willing to spend each day. Please do not put a Rand sign, and just use normal numbers.  This is just an indication, and does not limit you on how much you spend.
  10. Once you have completed this step, click the NEXT button to continue and your registration process will almost be complete.

  11. In order to complete your registration and for us to activate your account, you are required by law to hand in FICA documents to Hollywoodbets. FICA consists of a copy of your ID document and a proof of residence.  Please see below for more information on FICA.
  12. If you are having difficulty registering please contact us via email on or call us on 087 353 7634.  Someone will assist you.

FICA Process
Have you opened a Hollywood account, but have not yet had it activated because you still need to hand in FICA Documents? FICA documents are required by law for every account holder (as you would with having a cell phone or bank account).
FICA is a copy of your ID and a proof of residence. You can hand this in at any Hollywood branch, or you can fax it to 086 673 2627, or email it to Once we have these you can start playing! For any help phone us on 087 353 7634.

Proof of Identity:

  • ID copy, Passport or Driver’s License
  • Identity Documents must be clear i.e. the information and photo must be visible.

Checklist for proof of address:

  • Initials on the proof of address must correspond with the ID book
  • A client proof of address must contain the residential address only (Postal address not acceptable)
  • Proof of address must have a date (If it does not contain a date it will not be accepted)
  • If a client stays with their parent/renting, the parent must fill in a confirmation form stating that they reside with the client/renting. This form must be accompanied by proof of residence under the owner of the residence.
Accepted proof of address:
  • Utility Bill (less than 3 months old)
  • Bank statement (Less than 3 months old)
  • A lease or rental agreement (Less than 1 year old)
  • A municipal rate & taxes invoice (less than 3 months old)
  • Mortgage statement (less than 6 months old)
  • Telephone account or other fixed-line provider (less than 3 months old
  • An official tax return (less than 1 year old)
  • A recent life insurance policy issued by an insurance company (Less than 1 year)
  • Recent correspondence from a body corporate or share-block association (Less than 1 year)
  • A valid television license documents (Less than 1 year)
  • A registered residential address confirmation inserted in the customers Identity Documents
  • Payslip or salary advice (Less than 3 months)
  • Recent motor vehicle license or documentation(Less than 1 year)
  • A letter from a Municipal authority confirming that an individual is permitted to reside on communal land (Less than 3 months)


  1. How do I log in to start my bet

  2. How do I log in to start my bet

  3. Replies
    1. Whatsapp me at 0782526674, I ll help you

  4. Hey I want open Hollywood bets so that I can play via phone

    1. Text me on whatsapp 0734277287
      I will open it for you

    2. How do I get open for account

    3. How do I get open for account

  5. Replies
    1. Text me on whatsapp 0734277287
      I will open it for you

  6. Replies
    1. Text me on whatsapp 0734277287
      I will open it for you

  7. I want to register on Hollywood bet. But it says I.D number already exists

  8. Replies
    1. Text me on whatsapp 0734277287
      I will open it for you

    2. Please don't text me. .. I won't be able to help you

  9. As I register it says ID number in use what culd the problem be?

  10. Those who need to open an account text me 0734277287
    Will do that for you

    1. Please don't text me i won't be able to help you anymore

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anyone whose willing to open an account please whatsapp me at 0782526674. Im willing to help you guys

  13. Hi I want to open my acc whtsppa me on 0765629876

  14. I've been trying for so long to register but I failed

    1. How to register I've been trying to but i can't

    2. How to register I've been trying to but i can't

  15. I need an account 0635449108

  16. I want to log in bt a don't know how.

  17. I want to register but i dont know how

  18. I want to register
    083 8814 784

  19. How can l register to Hollywood please help me 074 067 5055

  20. Hi I need to register can I get help pls.

  21. How to use dis app when u have already registered...?

  22. Halo I want to open an account

  23. I want to register

  24. I want to register but I don't how and I have app

  25. I want to open my account

    WhatsApp me on 0737336864

  26. I want to open account please help, WhatsApp 0714555250

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi i want to open account 0794080219

  30. Hi i want to open account 0794080219

  31. I want to register so that I can bet on my phone

  32. I just downloaded an app bt I don't know how to log in

  33. I just downloaded an app bt I don't know how to log in

  34. I just downloaded an app bt I don't know how to log in

  35. I want to register but i cant whats app me on 0782288773 for those who can help me plz

  36. I want to register for my brother ID number already in use plz help my brother 0603209736

  37. help me to open account please

  38. Help me to register please

  39. I want to log into my account

  40. ι wanт тo reopen мy accoυnт pleaѕe

  41. Help want to open account app me 0628844755

  42. Help want to open account app me 0628844755

  43. Help me..i want to register

  44. I tried opening an account on Hollywood bets but it keeps saying my ID number is in use so i also tried logging in but it also says my account is closed so guys please help me register because i dont know what to do anymore

  45. I'm trying to open an account

  46. I want to open an account plz

  47. I want to open an account how do i go about

  48. I want to register Hollywood

  49. How to register please help

  50. Hey please register me or you can send me an email at

  51. I want to open a new account closed the old one

  52. Pls help I want to open an account

  53. Please I want to open an account with you guys

  54. How can I get registered

  55. Nothile sokhela
    I want to register

  56. want to log in have account

  57. want to log in have account


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